Our latest collection includes African Animals, Snakes, Leaves By Redouté, Curious Herbal, Pigeons, Poissons, Japanese Tiles, Food Don’t Waste It and some additions to our previous collection, including Ogawa Kazumasa.
All of these fabulous prints have been found in hidden archives and we have given them new life adding more vibrant colours and in many cases making the images a bit more vivid in colour. New shades of colour have been introduced to the new collection, especially more earth tones which blend in nicely with most other prints in our collections. Our new collection complements our existing ones and according to taste can be mixed and matched.
Snakes are a new and natural graphical collection which we have in sizes 30x40 cm and up to our largest size 112x158 cm.
Leaves from Redouté highlights details from the plant world, nature’s artistic masterpieces and showcases an awe-inspiring range of shapes, sizes and colours. We have these prints in sizes 30x40 cm and up to our largest size 112x158 cm.
Curious Herbal is a selection of botanical illustrations saluting Elizabeth Blackwell, a Scottish botanical illustrator and author (1707 –1758), who is best known as both the artist and engraver for the plates of "A Curious Herbal" published between 1737 and 1739. We have selected some of these beauties, which are delicate and detailed. These are in the sizes 30x40 cm and up to our largest size 112x158cm.
Pigeons is a selection of these colourful creatures, exemplified by the magnificent Columba coronate, and add a splash of brilliance to the avian world. These come in sizes 30x30cm, 61x61 cm and 112x112 cm.
Poissons is a follow-up to The Dybdahl Co’s long-time love of fish and this time we have added stunning illustrations, originally by Marcus Elieser Bloch. The detail and colouring are especially vibrant. We have these in sizes 30x40 cm and up to 112x158 cm.
Japanese Tiles are inspired by decorated wall tiles referred to as “kawara-e”. We find these new prints inspiring and colourful and they fit well with our existing Japanomania, Ukiyo-e collection. We have these is sizes 30x30cm, 61x61 cm and 112x112 cm.
Our “Food – don’t waste it” prints are an extension to our Golden Oil print which is an old advertisement we have brought back to life.

Tile with Heron III.

Tile with Heron II.

Tile with Heron I.

Green Tile with Fish III.

Green Tile with Fish II.

Green Tile with Fish I.

Colombine Turvert

Colombi-Galline Goura

Colombe azurée

Colombar Commandeur

Colombar Wallia

Colombe Jounud

Colombe Roussard

Pinus laricio - Pin laricio

Laurus borbonia - Laurier bourbon

Viscum album - Gui blanc

Quercus racemosa - Chêne à grappes

Giant Oarfish and Red Wrasse

Spotted Dogfish, Char and Toadfish

Zebrias, Globefish and Diagramma

Bluefish, Ola-Fish and Pilot fish

Angelfish, Zingel and Toadfish

White Poppy

Distaff Thistle

Red Poppy


Yellow Asphodel or King's Spear

Garden Flower-de-Luce

Honey Suckle



Bistort or Snakeweed

Bastard Acorus

The Tree of Life

Trigonocephalus Contortix

Tropidonotus Sirtalis

Leptophis Æstivus

Coluber Eximius