Poissons Colorés (sub. Oceanology)
Louis Renard (1678-1746) was French but moved to Amsterdam in the Netherlands where he became a well-known book dealer and publisher. He is best-known for his most colourful and detailed book on fish, Histoire naturelle des plus rares curiositez de la mer des Indes, from 1754. He detailed marine life from the oceans close to Indonesia.
The illustrations in the book are very extravagant in their colouring and at the time Renard maintained this was true to nature. We are however a bit wiser and know now that some of the colouring was greatly exaggerated and even some of the fish are totally made up!

Poissons Colorés Un
From $39

Poissons Colorés Deux
From $39

Poissons Colorés Trois
From $39

Poissons Colorés Quatre
From $39

Poissons Colorés Cinq
From $39

Poissons Colorés Six
From $39

Poissons Colorés Sept
From $39

Poissons Colorés Huit
From $39